

Leaks in pools - what to do - Florida

Why Florida Pools Are More Prone to Leaks

When you own a pool in South Florida, you can expect to experience some unique environmental challenges, which make it more prone to leaks. Let’s discuss why this happens and what you can do about it. First, the region’s year-round sunshine can be harsh on your swimming pool. The intense sunlight bakes the surface, making […]

26 Jul
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Peter's Rock Agama in Brevard County

Have You Seen This Colorful Lizard Where You Live?

A lizard with an orange, tan or red head and tail with a dark main torso has been spotted all along Brevard County this summer. In fact, the other day I was filling up at 7-11 and saw one on the side wall of the building. So, what are these lizards that now call Brevard […]

19 Jul
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thermostat setting in hot summer

Energy-Efficient Air Conditioning Tips for Homeowners

As energy costs rise and environmental concerns grow, finding ways to improve the energy efficiency of your home’s air conditioning system is more important than ever. By implementing a few smart strategies, you can reduce your energy consumption, lower your utility bills, and minimize your carbon footprint. This guide will explore various tips and techniques […]

11 Jun
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What does a pest control agent look for when inspecting?

Treating and Securing Common Pest Entry Points

No house is totally 100% secure from pests. Even brand new homes may have tiny spaces that ants can wiggle their way into. Roaches have been known to use plumbing to gain entry into people’s homes. The housecat or dog will often track in fleas when they get out. This is why it is important […]

03 Jun
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Roaches everywhere

Look at All These Roaches – Where Did They Come From?

A roach infestation can happen before you know it. It only takes one female to lay eggs in your home to have a real problem on your hands. A female roach can create 14 to 36 offspring in just one laying of eggs. With the right conditions, a single German cockroach and her offspring can […]

22 May
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Wasps found in Brevard County Florida

What Kind of Hornets Will You Encounter in Brevard County Florida?

For the sake of this article we will include both hornets and wasps. In Brevard County you will find five different species of wasp or hornet. The most well known of the group are probably the paper wasp and the yellow jacket. The paper wasp is the most widely seen of the group as they […]

09 May
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Rats and mice can destroy your home structure.

What Sort of Damage do Mice and Rats Cause to My Home?

Rats and mice fall under the family of mammal known as rodent. Rodents are a scavenger species that more or less takes advantage of any opportunity to eat anything that is digestible within their vicinity. Rats can also kill any creature smaller than itself to make a meal out of it. Rats and mice have […]

30 Apr
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Pest control capsaicin peppers

Capsaicin and its Role as a Pest Repellant

In a previous article, we explained how most naturally occurring drugs found in nature act as a pest repellant. In this article we want to continue with the theme of exploring natural chemicals that act to deter pests. This time we are discussing capsaicin. You may be familiar with this name as it is what […]

16 Apr
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Termite treatment Brevard County FL

Which Termite Species Affect Floridians Most?

Termites are a problem for wooden structures in most any state you live in. Termites look at your beautiful home as a giant meal waiting to be devoured. They require the cellulose found in wood to live. Termites have special protozoa and bacteria in their gut which allows them to break down the coarse cellulose […]

02 Apr
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types of ants and the bait they carry

Why Don’t Ants Carrying the Poisonous Bait Die?

Ant scouts will use something called chemosense to detect a food source. Ants can have up to 5 times the odor sensing ability as humans. This allows them to detect that tiny morsel of food which dropped from your plate and rolled under the couch. They use tiny receptors in the form of tiny bristles […]

21 Mar
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