

Wasp and hornet nest removal

How to Properly Dispose of a Hornets Nest

A hornets nest hanging under the eave of your home can be dangerous to you, loved ones or pets. The longer you put off dealing with the problem, the bigger the nest gets and the chances of getting attacked increase. Hornets and wasps can attack unprovoked. They are territorial and can see even just the […]

04 Mar
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how to repel mosquitoes

Its Almost Mosquito Season Again – Here’s How to Prepare

Mosquitoes are an omnipresent problem in Florida but their numbers do decrease significantly in the winter months. But the break from these flying menaces comes to an end soon as the weather warms and the days get longer. It will soon be breeding season for mosquitoes and this means that the female mosquito will be […]

22 Feb
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Pest control inside and outside the home

Indoor Outdoor Approach to Pest Control

There are two reasons to have pest control services at you home. Either you have a pest problem you need to eliminate or you want to prevent pests from taking up residence along side of you and your family. Pest control takes place in two main area: inside and outside the home. Inside the home, […]

07 Feb
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House mouse and diseases

House Mice and Disease

This time of year you may run into the common house mouse. This is because temperatures have been getting very cold at night. Mice are mammals and seek warm places in order to stay alive. Your walls, attics, and garage look very attractive to a cold mouse. Once a mouse gets into your home and […]

29 Jan
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The opium poppy uses opium to prevent destruction by pests

Substances That You May Not Have Known Were Pesticides

Nature has a way of taking care of itself. Natural defenses are built up over time by living organisms to protect themselves from danger. Animals develop horns, sharp teeth, thick coats of fur and various other defenses. Plants are no different. Today we will discuss chemical defenses used by plants to ward off destruction by […]

19 Jan
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do it yourself ant baits

Do It Yourself Approach to Ant Pest Control

Nobody wants to pay a professional when there is a task that needs to be done and you can do it yourself. In fact, for something as simple as an ant infestation that is just beginning, we actually encourage people to give it a go on their own. If you are reading this and have […]

08 Jan
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Green anole lizard - what happened to them?

New List of Potential Invasive Species for Florida Released

This is a topic which has become a weird one for people. Some people find invasive species to be a serious threat and worry about what they could do to the local flora and fauna. Others really don’t care about this topic or have just accepted it an resigned themselves to the fact that invasive […]

05 Jan
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Mole problems - How to get rid of moles

Do I Have a Mole Problem in My Yard?

It may start as an occasional small mound of dirt or a new hole that wasn’t there yesterday. You could see a small trench cave in or there could be some mysterious feces in your yard. These are signs that a mole or a family of moles has moved in.  What Are Moles? Moles are […]

21 Dec
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skunk prevention

How to Keep Smelly Skunks Away from Your Home

We all know that smell, the faint skunk smell in the distance. It’s bad but not that bad from very far away. But, as anyone who has ever been sprayed by a skunk can tell you, it’s 1000 times worse than you can imagine up close. People often panic when they get sprayed and it […]

08 Dec
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Roaches - How do they get into my home?

Are You Stumped Trying to Figure Out How Roaches are Getting In?

Florida is the perfect place to settle in and make a home. Its warm all year long and there is plenty of fresh water for multiple uses. Unfortunately, it also is the prefect environment for pests too. Keeping pests at bay can be a real challenge. You may clean your home a lot and still […]

20 Nov
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