
Category: Spiders

Spiders can be a problem in and around the home. They can be poisonous or a sign of a much larger pest problem.

What does a pest control agent look for when inspecting?

Treating and Securing Common Pest Entry Points

No house is totally 100% secure from pests. Even brand new homes may have tiny spaces that ants can wiggle their way into. Roaches have been known to use plumbing to gain entry into people’s homes. The housecat or dog will often track in fleas when they get out. This is why it is important […]

03 Jun
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Pest problems in Central Florida increase in springs months

Pest Activity Increases in Central Florida During April-May

The warm and humid environment of Central Florida offers the ideal breeding habitat for pests, and the months of April and May see a rise in the bugs’ overall activity level. Insects such as ants, termites, and mosquitoes are pests that may destroy property and put people and their pets in danger of contracting diseases.  […]

19 Apr
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The Joro Spider

Are Joro Spiders Coming to Brevard County?

You may have heard the hub-bub on the news about an invasive new spider called “the Joro spider”. Its described as a “palm-sized” or “huge” spider which “parachutes its way into your yard”. This spider originates from Asia and first made its way to the United States in a shipment of goods back in 2014. […]

14 Mar
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pest control assisted living facility

Assisted Living Pest Control

We often write our blogs about pest control as pertaining to apartment buildings, homes or business spaces. One type of living space often not mentioned by pest control articles is assisted living complexes. These buildings offer their own unique set of challenges for those looking to control pests. In this article we will go over […]

20 Dec
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Pests in Bags

Odd Spots Where Pests Can Hide

The common pest is much smaller than us. They are so small that the human eye doesn’t even pick them up unless you are very close to them (and sometimes not at all). This makes it very hard to spot them as they scurry around in your home. Not to mention the fact that some […]

29 Mar
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Common house spider

Why Are There Spiders In My Home? – Common House Spiders

It seems like no matter how well you run your household, you always end up seeing a spider in the corner somewhere. Does this sound about right? You are not alone. The fact is that spiders can get through the tiniest cracks in the walls and doorways. They will actually slide into the tiny crevice […]

05 Oct
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sticky bug traps - are they effective?

How to Stop the Occasional Creepy Crawly from Getting Into Your Home

You may rarely see bugs, insects, arachnids or other creepy crawlies in your home. You may think to your “hey, I do a pretty good job of keeping my home pest free”. Then one night as you sleep you feel something crawling on you. You jump up, turn on the light and there is a […]

18 Sep
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Tips to keep spiders out

Tips to Control Spiders in Your Home

Most house spiders are not dangerous to humans or pets. But spiders are considered creepy and undesirable by a large majority of people. You definitely don’t want to be enjoying your conversation with someone and looks down and there is a spider crawling up yours or their leg. Not cool. So, we have gathered some […]

18 Dec
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pests at holidays

Ways that Pests Get into Your Home During Holidays

The season of friends and family is right around the corner. First, we have Thanksgiving, and then a month later we have Christmas. Finally, just a week after Christmas, we have New Years Eve. There will be lots of foot traffic in your home and what better time for pests to get into your nice […]

19 Nov
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fleas bite and feed on blood

What Bit Me? – Identifying Bug Bites

Almost anywhere you go on Earth you will have to deal with bugs. And a portion of these bugs are biters. Most of them don’t bite for the thrill of it. They felt threatened in some way and reacted in self-defense. Conversely, some bugs may bite you because they want to feast on your blood. […]

04 Jun
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